Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Basis for every successful marriage: Roots for my tree

Matt 9:24 am> Adam I am so hung over.I blame you for this, why haven't you given me your healthy liver to replace this one I've ruined?

Adam 9:43am> Tk tk tk tk. Matt I told you. If I give you my liver you will never learn. Now what kind of friend would I be if I just handed out my liver?

Matt 10:33 am> You would be the kind of friend I want. Right now you're the kind of friend I tolerate because oh my crippling lonliness.

Adam 10:49 am> Look we talked about this Matt. You are only still around as my Herald. The fact that I cry on your shoulder after a devastating break up is just necessity. And the fact that you stroke my hair is appreciated.

Matt 2:26 pm> I stroke your hair because it's so soft, not because I care about your girlish feelings.

Adam 3:13 pm> Well of course! Your recommondation for that shampoo really paired well for my hair type.

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