Friday, August 17, 2012

I used to know that vulture... in another life...

Adam 11:34> Hey didn't we have a blog or something?

Matt 11:46> Oh yeah. I think it was about bird watching or something. Something awesome.

Adam 11:49> That... Doesn't sound right.But it does sound awesome! Did we rate birds on an erection based scale? As the top of the list being "full on" and bottom being "vagina" or "reverse penis"?

Matt 1:52>  If we didn't before then we should definitely start. I rate Ravens as "full on" to start with. Because they make cool sounds and probably know some secrets or something.  I rate seagulls as "reverse penis" because I don't trust them, and magpies as "semi boner" because I'm only sort of attracted to them.

Adam 2:05> I agree with ravens.  Being super intelligent always cause "full on".  See vultures would be "semi" because though they are ugly. They are essential  to the eco system and they have broken my heart in the past. I bet we had more than 10 followers!

Adam 2:05> Seeing as we are sooooo interesting and handsome

Matt 2:53> We are those things, nobody can deny that. And tall. Taller than average. I bet we had hundreds of followers. But most of them were secret followers because they were shy and intimidated  by our greatness.

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