Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Just Like in the Bible

Adam (3:22pm) Dude, so I already decided on a character I want to make if we play Call of cthulu.

Matt (3:23pm) What kind?

Adam (3:24pm) He’s going to be an ex-prize fighter who got caught trying to take a dive in a fight. So he gets stripped of his belt and becomes a homeless drunk. Just like real life.

Matt (3:25pm) I want to play a crazy person, is that possible?

Adam (3:31pm) Yup there is a whole list of actual psychological disorders you can take.

Matt (3:25pm) Badass!

Adam (3:33pm) It’s a little different cause there arent classes.

Matt (3:23pm) Not everyone is a snob like you. There weren’t really classes in M&M were there?

Adam (3:36pm) Hmmm no not really. But class systems are what make society Matt!

Matt (4:01pm) That is so offensive, people like you climb thhe backs of the poor to reach your golden scepters of loneliness. You’ll get what’s coming to you when all cats turn to fire and the worldmouth sings the seventh song of power.

Adam (5:35pm) Oh you peasants and you’re made up religion. We all know that the Gods love only the upper class and not the cow fodder. That’s you. Cow fodder.

1 comment:

  1. I agree with Adam. Matt, Matt, Matt, you're just being sensitive and accept your place. That's right, I'm getting in on it.
