Monday, November 8, 2010

Work placement woes.

Adam 10:24am> Matt I hate my job. Make it easier more enjoyable and pay more.

Matt 10:40am> Agreed. Here is the plan: first you will graduallyreplace your frail human form with a mighty robot body, terrible to behold. Thenwhen the weak cower before your fury you will unleash your unfathomable metal rage upon them in the form of a politely worded letter of resignation. Then you'll move to a small town near Albaquerky and get a temp job sorting mail at a dental office.

Adam 10:49 am> Wait, what do I do if my current superiors are giant menacing robots with tendencies to eat babies?

Matt 10:52am> Then you're going to skip the part where you become a robot and just cry instead. Just cry and cry and cry.

Adam 10:54am> And cry so much that my tears will rust them? OR! I could thow tens of thousands of babies at them till they choke on baby entrails!