Thursday, January 6, 2011

Punching father time in the sack

Matt 7:49pm> So what time does everyone want to start tomorrow? I vote for 10:00am

Adam 7:50pm> I say 11 or 12

Matt 8:40pm> Two vote for 10 two for noon. No word from Jeff.

Adam 8:42pm> Oh. You were serioue about 10

Matt 8:43pm > I get up early

Matt 9:19pm> well compromise on 11 or so?

Adam 9:23pm> No!

Matt 9:34pm> Yes!

Adam 9:34pm> No!

Matt 9:35pm> Adam you shut that mouth!

Adam 9:45pm> No! You can't tell me what to do! You left me and mom to fend for ourselves!

Matt 9:53pm> That's because you were boring! I need aventure in my life Adam, and Hookers.

Adam 9:53pm> Wow... I didn't know... I... I'm so sorry.

Adam 10:19pm > So what time?


  1. Lol.

    I work tomorrow, but only a short day this week so I can possibly swing something during the day. However, Ben has to work a normal schedule and wouldn't be off work until 5 or so.

    My work schedule requires 6 hours a day. My class schedule ties me up until 7pm on Mondays/Wednesdays.

    I hope we can still meet this week! I haven't seen you guys in weeks!

  2. Yeah like I said with my new Schedule I have no idea if I can swing it or not.
